Thank you for taking time to read Ace Host (PTY) Ltd’s services terms of use.
1. User Rights: Ace Host (PTY) Ltd’s users or web hosting account holders are entitled to frequent reminders about their accounts, server maintenance and/or assistance in email configurations.
2. Account Upgrade/Downgrade: Ace Host (PTY) Ltd’s web hosting packages can be upgraded or downgraded on client request. Upgrading or Downgrading of accounts will not happen without the client’s request.
3. Termination of service: Ace Host (PTY) Ltd does not offer any hosting contract, meaning you have a right to move your domain to another hosting provider. This shall be done through your new hosting provider’s domain transfer request.
4. Data Storage: Ace Host (PTY) Ltd will keep your data as long as you are hosting with us. Account data may be deleted within 30 days or less when hosting payments were not made.
5. Domain Transfers: All domain transfers made to Ace Host (PTY) Ltd are made for free, however, the rate for the selected package applies.
6. Payment Arrangements: Ace Host (PTY) Ltd’s accounts can be paid on per month arrangement, quarterly arrangement or once off yearly arrangement. We take EFT and PayPal.
What is in my hosting account?
cPanel: Allows uers to manage both their website and email accounts. Maintain file storage and sub-domains.
Webmail: Access your emails and configure email accounts.
Softaculous: Offers software needed for web building, eCommerce and other apps.